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With a bidding scale of over 30GW, it's a big year for wind power delivery!

Release time:2023-04-27     Views
According to statistics, as of early April 2023, the total bid scale for wind turbines since 2023 is 30.6 GW, including a land-based wind power bid scale of 27.9 GW and an offshore wind power bid scale of 2.8 GW. The bidding scale for January, February, and March 2023 was 11.61 GW, 8.89 GW, and 6.97 GW respectively, with a bidding scale of 3.18 GW in April (not yet fully counted).

According to statistics, as of early April 2023, the total bid scale for wind turbines since 2023 is 30.6 GW, including a land-based wind power bid scale of 27.9 GW and an offshore wind power bid scale of 2.8 GW. The bidding scale for January, February, and March 2023 was 11.61 GW, 8.89 GW, and 6.97 GW respectively, with a bidding scale of 3.18 GW in April (not yet fully counted).

It appears that this year's monthly wind turbine bidding scale is higher than historical bidding volumes in previous years. Combined with the development trend of China's wind power industry, 2023 is expected to be a big year for wind power installation and delivery.

2023 will be a year when the wind power industry enters a high-growth cycle. The Wind Energy Professional Committee of the China Renewable Energy Society predicts that based on the comprehensive planning capacity of various provinces, the capacity under construction, and the large-scale project promotion plan, the national wind power will add 70-80 GW of installed capacity in 2023, 75-85 GW in 2024, and 80-90 GW in 2025.

Under its inherent characteristics and business model, China's wind power industry has experienced a "crowding-in" tide. Although the market is large, the problem of "crowding-in" continues to escalate, and the wind power industry is unlikely to completely get rid of it in the short term. However, this crowded situation is expected to gradually improve in 2023. On one hand, with such a large market, players are less anxious about growth, and competition pressures among each other will also be relatively ease, reducing the vicious competition situation. On the other hand, according to industry experience, in the years of concentrated wind power installation, there is a greater possibility of short-term supply shortages and certain price rebounds. These are all conducive to improving the profitability of the industry in 2023.

Although 2023 is expected to be a big year for wind power, the long-term chronic problems that plague the industry still need to be resolved. We hope that all players in the wind power industry chain will work together and cooperate through technological innovation and talent cultivation to achieve healthy and sustainable high growth for China's wind power industry.

Source: Wind Energy Observer (translated by AI)

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